Sunday, February 28, 2010

Long Week

It's been a long but exciting week here. I've been looking at a building I would love to open as an artists co-op gallery if I can afford it. I had a gallery/studio for 12 years but closed it down 10 years ago. Six days a week got old and I wanted to travel more so I closed the doors and went to Africa.
If it works out, I have all kinds of great ideas for events, workshops, exhibits, working with the area schools......There would be painters, jewelers, potters, glass, textiles/fibers...the absolute best in the area.

On Saturday Lew and I drove to Michigan to see a similar gallery that a friend of mine participates in. It was very impressive and well put together. So tonight I am tired and going to bed early for once. Hopefully I won't wake up at 3: a.m. again with the "Are you CRAZY?"